Drug Coverage Search
The Covered Drug Search tool offers another way to view covered drugs, medication tier, and if a medication is brand or generic. To use, type the name of the drug in the box under Drug Name. A list of suggested drugs will start to populate. Make your selection from the list and then click the CHECK COVERAGE button. You may narrow searches further, if needed, by selecting an option from the Tier list before clicking CHECK COVERAGE.
Medication Tiers
Tier 1 - Generic Drugs
Tier 2 - Preferred Brand Name Drugs
Tier 3 - Non-Preferred Brand Name Drugs
Not Covered - Excluded from coverage
PLEASE NOTE: The Core Formulary references the most commonly prescribed medications available to treat a variety of conditions. This is not an all-inclusive list as there may be prescription drugs that do not appear. Brand-name drugs may move to non-formulary status if a generic version becomes available during the year. Not all drugs listed may be covered by your prescription plan.